
Old West Vacation at Dot Bar Ranch

Your kids are gonna love this...

July 28, 2016

Bear Lake is is a short drive away and the beach is perfect for kids. And...there are raspberry shakes!

We found the best way to visit Bear Lake. Last weekend we stayed at Dot Bar Ranch just 15 minutes from Rendezvous Beach on the south side of Bear Lake. No more tents, or going without a shower, or RV hookups, and noisy neighbors.

Instead, we experienced peace and quiet. The kids entertained themselves while exploring an actual ranch! 

You can see the details and availability here:
Amanda is the host - and she will answer all your questions.

Here are some ideas from what we did: 

The little guys caught their very first fish in the stocked pond, Uncle James taught them how to clean it and
we cooked them on an open fire. 

The kids thought they had died and gone to heaven when they discovered little kittens running around the barn. They excitement continued when a sheep herder pup followed them back to the bunkhouse.
Everyone had to have a picture with the darling lambs.

We enjoyed the quiet; still, relaxing evenings around the campfire watching the stars slowly come into view. The night sky was spectacular!!! The bacon, cheese, mushrooms cooked over the fire were awesome too!

A few of the kids came home with a souvenir…. Peacock feathers!
Everyone was amazed to watch the peacock fly to the top of a pine tree.

Lots of fun cousin sleep over memories where everyone had their own bunk bed!

I loved the chance for my kids to have a summer farm experience!
Running free, playing on the rope swing, and fishing in the pond.
Plus a day at Bear Lake!!!